Since they have limited access to the Primary Health Center (PHC) being located far away. The health sub-centers (HSCs) which are closer are often not in a position to offer services due to various reasons including lack of trained/ skilled personnel. To overcome this barrier, FRHS India initiated Mini-COTs with the following objectives:
Mini-COT offers a basket of family planning and reproductive health services, which include:
A Mini-COT is a mobile three-member team, consisting of a nurse, counsellor and driver-cum-assistant, trained and equipped to offer the spacing methods of family planning. The team provides services at the health sub-centers. The sub-centers are identified in consultation with the district authorities.
On predetermined days, the Mini-COT travels from the district headquarters to the sub-center. Community health workers (ASHAs, ANMs etc.) let local people know about the visit in advance.
A Mini-COT is able to covers two sub-centers each day and is therefore able to provide services in 36-40 sub-centers each month.